
2018年3月7日—LC-MS/MS采用串联质谱,既能得到分子离子峰,又有碎片离子峰,因而可以用来进行定性和定量分析。一个基本相似之处是:他们的应用领域都适用于液相适用的 ...,LC-MSinstrumentsarebasicallyHPLCunitswithamassspectrometrydetectorattachedtoitwhereasLC-MS/MSisHPLCwithtwomassspectrometrydetectors.,質譜儀(massspectrometry,MS)是以熱電子撞擊氣體分子,使產生碎片及離子,再經磁場分離,依據質荷比之測量,來...


2018年3月7日 — LC-MS/MS采用串联质谱,既能得到分子离子峰,又有碎片离子峰,因而可以用来进行定性和定量分析。 一个基本相似之处是:他们的应用领域都适用于液相适用的 ...

LC-MS and LC

LC-MS instruments are basically HPLC units with a mass spectrometry detector attached to it whereas LC-MS/MS is HPLC with two mass spectrometry detectors.

簡介液相層析質譜/質譜儀(LC MSMS)

質譜儀(mass spectrometry, MS)是以熱電子撞擊氣體分子,使產生碎片及離子,再經磁場分離,依據質荷比之測量,來決定分子質量的技術。而質量是分子的一種特質,因此可以用 ...


藉由兩個質量分析器的串接可大幅增加偵測靈敏度與分析的精確性,此儀器是目前食品檢驗分析的主流儀器,應用性廣,對食品安全把關與監測更具全面性。主要應用於多重農藥殘留 ...

Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry LC

LC-MS-MS from EAG combines the separating power of liquid chromatography with the mass analysis of triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.


spectrometer, LC-MS/MS) 及氣相層析串聯質譜儀(gas chromatograph/tandem mass spectrometer, GC-MS/MS)分析之. 方法。 2.1. 裝置:. 2.1.1. 液相層析串聯質譜儀:. 2.1.

Understand the Difference Between LC-MS and LC

2021年3月25日 — LC-MS/MS uses precursor/product ions for quantification. Relatively speaking, it has much less interference and is more accurate. It is widely ...


LC-MS-MS定量分析使用SIM 或MRM模式。公認的MRM更為準確。SIM使用Q選擇性的濾過選中的分子量。但是分子量相同的化合物很多,所以,如果樣品 ...

What are the differences between LCMS and LCMSMS

2015年1月29日 — MS measures mass:charge (ratio) of an ion, while MS/MS measures mass:charge as in MS followed by the mass:charge (second MS) of its constituent ...

Linux commnad get JPEG Quality & jpegicc convert Quality

Linux commnad get JPEG Quality & jpegicc convert Quality
